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Getting started


You can install the SDK via PyPI with the following command:

pip3 install ark-sdk-python

You may also upgrade the SDK via PyPI to the latest version with the following command:

pip3 install -U ark-sdk-python

CLI Usage

Both the SDK and the CLI support profiles, which can be configured as needed and used for consecutive actions.

The CLI has the following basic commands:

  • configure: Configure profiles and their authentication methods (see Configure)
  • login: Log in using the configured profile authentication methods (see Login)
  • exec: Execute commands for supported services (see Exec)
  • profiles: Manage multiple profiles on the machine (see Profiles)
  • cache: Manage ark cache on the machine (see Cache)

Basic flow

  1. Install Ark SDK and then configure a profile (either silently or interactively):

    ark configure --silent --work-with-isp --isp-username myuser

  2. After the profile is configured, log in:

    ark login --silent --isp-secret mysecret

  3. Execute actions (such as generating a short-lived SSO password):

    ark exec dpa sso short-lived-password