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Commands examples

This page lists some useful CLI examples.


You can disable certificate validation for login to an authenticator using the --disable-certificate-verification flag. This option is not recommended.

Useful environment variables

  • ARK_PROFILE: Sets the profile to be used across the CLI
  • ARK_DISABLE_CERTIFICATE_VERIFICATION: Disables certificate verification for REST APIs

Configure command example

The configure command works in interactive or silent mode. When using silent mode, the required parameters need to specified. Here's an example of configuring ISP in silent mode:

ark configure --profile-name="PROD" --work-with-isp --isp-username="" --silent --allow-output

Login commands Example

The login command can work in interactive or silent mode. Here's an example of a silent login with the profile configured in the example above:

ark login -s --isp-secret=CoolPasswordß

Exec command examples

Use the --help flag to view all exec options.

Add DPA database secret

ark exec dpa secrets db add-secret --secret-name mysecret --secret-type username_password --username user --password mypass

Delete DPA database secret

ark exec dpa secrets db delete-secret --secret-name mysecret

Add DPA database

ark exec dpa workspaces db add-database --name mydb --provider-engine postgres-sh --read-write-endpoint

List DPA databases

ark exec dpa workspaces db list-databases

Get VM policies stats

ark exec dpa policies vm policies-stats

Edit policies interactively example

This example shows how to locally work with a policies workspace, and edit, reset, and create policies that are applied to both databases and VM policies. After the local policies are ready, you can commit all the policies changes to the remote workspace.

To load and reload policies locally:

ark exec dpa policies vm editor load-policies

After loading the policies, use these commands to edit them:

ark exec dpa policies vm editor edit-policies
ark exec dpa policies vm editor view-policies
ark exec dpa policies vm editor reset-policies
ark exec dpa policies vm editor generate-policy
ark exec dpa policies vm editor remove-policies
ark exec dpa policies vm editor policies diff

When they are ready to be committed, run:

ark exec dpa policies vm editor commit-policies

Generate a short-lived SSO password for a database connection

ark exec dpa sso short-lived-password

Generate a short-lived SSO Oracle wallet for an Oracle database connection

ark exec dpa sso short-lived-oracle-wallet --folder ~/wallet

Generate a kubectl config file

ark exec dpa k8s generate-kubeconfig 

Generate a kubectl config file and save it in the specified path

ark exec dpa k8s generate-kubeconfig --folder=/Users/My.User/.kube

List All Session Monitoring sessions from the last 24 hours

ark exec sm list-sessions

Count All Session Monitoring sessions from the last 24 hours

ark exec sm count-sessions

List All Session Monitoring sessions matching Search Query

ark exec sm list-sessions-by --search 'startTime ge 2023-12-03T08:55:29Z AND sessionDuration GE 00:00:01 AND protocol IN SSH,RDP,Database'

Count All Session Monitoring sessions matching Search Query

ark exec sm count-sessions-by --search 'startTime ge 2023-12-03T08:55:29Z AND sessionDuration GE 00:00:01 AND protocol IN SSH,RDP,Database'

Count All Session Monitoring sessions from the last 24 hours

ark exec sm count-sessions

Retrieve a session by id

ark exec sm session --session-id 5e62bdb8-cd81-42b8-ac72-1e06bf9c496d

List all session activities

ark exec sm list-session-activities --session-id 5e62bdb8-cd81-42b8-ac72-1e06bf9c496d

Count all session activities

ark exec sm count-session-activities --session-id 5e62bdb8-cd81-42b8-ac72-1e06bf9c496d

List all session activities with specific command

ark exec sm list-session-activities-by --session-id 5e62bdb8-cd81-42b8-ac72-1e06bf9c496d --command-contains 'ls'

Count all session activities with specific command

ark exec sm count-session-activities-by --session-id 5e62bdb8-cd81-42b8-ac72-1e06bf9c496d --command-contains 'ls'

Display general sessions statistics from the last 30 days

ark exec sm sessions-stats

List all identity entities, including roles users and groups

ark exec identity directories list-directories-entities

List only identity roles

ark exec identity directories list-directories-entities --entity-types ROLE

Create a role with DPA show tile admin right

ark exec identity roles create-role --role-name RoleName --admin-rights "ServiceRight/dpaShowTile"

Delete a role by name

ark exec identity roles delete-role --role-name RoleName

Create a new user

ark exec identity users create-user --username myname --email --password MyPassword

Delete a user by name

ark exec identity users delete-user --username myname

Add an authentication profile

ark exec identity policies add-authentication-profile --auth-profile-name myprofile --first-challenges UP --second-challenges EMAIL

Add a policy

ark exec identity policies add-policy --policy-name mypolicy --role-names RoleName --auth-profile-name myprofile

Create a PCloud Safe

ark exec pcloud safes add-safe --safe-name=safe

Create a PCloud Account

ark exec pcloud accounts add-account --name account --safe-name safe --platform-id='UnixSSH' --username root --address --secret-type=password --secret mypass

List available platforms

ark exec pcloud platforms list-platforms